Iet atpakaļ

Weight-Correction Machines for Connecting-Rods 100 FBMP, 200 FBMP, 100 RBMP - Schenck Latvian

  • Modular design for all connecting-rod designs
  • Automatic operating sequence, work-piece handling either manually or by transporter
  • High accuracy through digital measured value processing and numerically-controlled correction procedure


Two-station machine with automatic operating sequence. Modular machine design, thus optimally adaptable to the task. Arrangement of the stations directly adjacent to each other. Loading by hand, transfer of the connecting-rod in the machine by positioning device or exchange transporter. Welded machine base for accommodation of the units, prepared for removal of the chips by a slide chute. Electromechanical, numerically controlled milling unit and digitally operating tandem weighers. Microprocessorcontrolled measuring equipment for acquisition of the measured values and processing: SPS machine control with fault diagnosis.

Range of application

Measurement of the weight of rotating and oscillating parts or the absolute weight of machined connecting-rods for internal combustion engines. Controlled weight correction at the prepared correction pads at the small-end and big-end. Weight correction is usually followed by fineboring.
Application of the machine in large-volume series production, interfaced with the production line.
Technical data
Technical data at a glance    102 FBMP  112 FBMP  202 FBMP  102 RBMP  112RBMP 
Measuring unit        PC 850     
Con-rod with 1 boss    •      •   
Con-rod with 2 bosses      •  •     • 
Measurement/Control station combined    •  •  •  •  • 
1 milling unit    •  •    •   
2 milling units        •     • 
Integrated transporter          •  • 
Total weight  [g]  400 - 7000  400 - 7000  400 - 7000  400 - 7000  400 - 7000 
Weight, small-end  [g]  110 - 1900  110 - 1900  110 - 1900  110 - 1900  110 - 1900 
Weight, big-end  [g]  290 - 5100  290 - 5100  290 - 5100  290 - 5100  290 - 5100 
Gauge  [mm]  110 - 300  110 - 300  110 - 300  110 - 300  110 - 300 
Hole dia. at small-end  [mm]  16 - 56  16 - 56  16 - 56  16 - 56  16 - 56 
Hole dia. at big-end  [mm]  40 - 105  40 - 105  40 - 105  40 - 105  40 - 105 
Rod thickness  [mm]  20 - 50  20 - 50  20 - 50  20 - 50  20 - 50 
Rod width, max.  [mm]  160  160  160  160  160 
Correction pad width, small-end  [mm]  10 - 50  10 - 50  10 - 50  10 - 50  10 - 50 
Correction pad width, big-end  [mm]  20 - 70  20 - 70  20 - 70  20 - 70  20 - 70 
Width A 1)  [mm]  1500  1500  1500  4200  4200 
Depth B 1)  [mm]  2200  2200  2500  2200  2200 
Height C 1)  [mm]  2000  2000  2000  2200  2200 
Achievable tolerance 2)  [g]  ±1 - 10  ±1 - 10  ±1 - 10  ±1 - 10  ±1 - 10 
Measurement uncertainty  [g]  0,1  0,1  0,1  0,1  0,1 
Milling cutter wheel dia.   [mm]  360  360  360  360  360 
Cut width  [mm]  20 - 75  20 - 75  20 - 75  20 - 75  20 - 75 
Cycle time 3)  [s]  14 - 36  14 - 36  14 - 36  17 - 26  26 - 36 
Air pressure  [kPa]  600  600  600  600  600 
Power consumption  [kVA]  20  20  35  38  38 
Basic machine  Order No.  R0650100.01  R0650200.01  R0650300.01  R0650400.01  R0650500.01 
De-burring equipment  Order No.  R0650101.01  R0650201.01  R0650301.01  R0650401.01  R0650501.01 
Hole detection  Order No.  R0650102.01  R0650202.01  R0650302.01  R0650402.01  R0650502.01 
Boss detection  Order No.  R0650103.01  R0650203.01  R0650303.01  R0650403.01  R0650503.01 
Separate checking weighter  Order No.  R0650404.01  R0650504.01 
Chip conveyor  Order No.  R0650105.01  R0650205.01  R0650305.01  R0650405.01  R0650505.01 
Linking equipment  Order No.  o.r.  o.r.  o.r.  o.r.  o.r. 
1) Data non-binding, dependent on the respective equipment             
2) Acc. To DIN 1319, 95% probability, dependent on form accuracy of correction pads and weight division             
3) Dependent on the weight required to be removed, the con-rod material and permissible milling data             
o.r. On request